Volume - 3 | Issue - 2 | june 2021
03 June, 2021
This paper presents an analysis of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) security issues that take place due to eavesdropping. The sensor-eavesdropper channels and the sensor sinks are exposed to generalized K-fading. Based on the physical layer security framework we use cumulative distribution, optimal sensors and round robin scheduling scheme to decrease the probability of interception and to equip secure connection between the nodes. For identifying the interception probability, a novel analytical methodology is present with simple analytical expressions. Moreover, diversity orders of scheduling schemes and asymptotic closed-form expressions are evaluated. Numerical results show the crucial result of shadowing and fading parameters of wiretap and main links, selected schemes on WSN security and network size. We have analyzed the output using Monte Carlo simulation and conclusions show the validation of the proposed work.
KeywordsWireless Sensor Network Scheduling Schemes Physical layer security Intercept probability