Volume - 4 | Issue - 3 | september 2022
23 August, 2022
The proposed study discusses about the real-time experience of blended teaching for the students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Programming Technologies in the subject "Computer Architecture" based on the use of distance learning instrumental system DL.GSU.BY and special software complexes developed at the F. Skorina State University under the guidance of author. Special software packages include: HLCCAD - software system for designing, modeling and debugging the functional architectures of digital devices; Winter, a software system for developing and debugging programs in assembler and C for various microcontrollers; С-MPDL – firmware description language for computer architecture components; constructor of training and control flash tasks. The proposed method of conducting lectures and practical classes, as well as the organization of students' independent work and an assessment monitoring system that orients students toward a permanent increase in the assessment and quality of knowledge, skills, and abilities throughout the academic semester, are described.
KeywordsBlended learning computer architecture instrumental system of distance learning high level chip computer aided design program debugging