Volume - 3 | Issue - 2 | june 2021
23 June, 2021
One of the many challenges that the world faces is traffic hazard. The major cause of this traffic risk is the presence of a huge number of vehicles on the road. As a result, it generates the most challenging issues, leading to an increase in the death toll due to road accidents that occur throughout the world. As a result, it necessitates the need to provide adequate transportation facilities, which will reduce the number of collisions and save human lives. The GPS, GSM, accelerometer, Arduino UNO technology, and vibration sensor are used to design and develop a vehicle accident detection model. The proposed approach is classified into three stages to prevent and detect the vehicular accidents. At the detection stage, a vibration sensor will be utilized to determine the position of the accident and to alert the user by sending SMS via the GSM module, which will include the user's data stored in Android applications. This data will be taken from the GPS module. The second phase occurs when moderate accidents occur and in such situation, the location will be detected by using a GPS module. After that, the nearby hospital receives a message about the accidents and accordingly they provide services to the accidents. At the same time, after detecting the location, a patient receives a message from the hospital urging them to take precautions.
KeywordsIoT embedded systems application safety awareness GSM module GPS module