Volume - 3 | Issue - 3 | september 2021
30 August, 2021
As cyber physical systems (CPS) has progressed, there are many applications which use CPS to connect with the physical world. Moreover the use of cloud in CPS revolutionizes the way in which information is stored and computed making it applicable to a wide range of applications. On the other hand, it also has questionable concerns over the energy consumed applications due to their explosive expansion. Hence in order to increase the efficiency of energy utilisation in the cloud environment, applications are hosted by virtual machines while resources are managed using virtualized Technology. However Quality of Service remains a challenge that is yet to be properly addressed. Hence a virtual machine scheduling algorithm which is aware of us is used to save energy in the designed CPS. The first step in a proposed work is to formulate the objective of the work. This is followed by using a genetic sorting algorithm to identify the apt Virtual Machine (VM) VM mitigation solution. MCDM (Multiple Criteria Decision Making) and SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) can also be used to pick the app scheduling strategy. Experimental and simulation results are observed and recorded based on which concrete conclusions are drawn.
KeywordsCyber physical systems virtual machine Quality of Service Simple Additive Weighting Multiple Criteria Decision Making