Volume - 2 | Issue - 4 | december 2020
08 February, 2021
The distributed generators (DGs) consists of radial rural distribution networks that makes use of off-voltage tap changing transformers. Ideal tap changer positions for these transformers can be determined using the novel estimation technique proposed in this paper. A branchy low-voltage network is brought down to its equivalent line along with the utilization of spatial network decomposition in this technique. Evolutionary algorithm is used for determining the PV nodes ideal voltage module values in ideal seasonal control plan. A PQ node with 3 DGs incorporated in a radial 40-node network and a PQ node with 10 DGs are incorporated in a radial 33-node network are the distribution networks used for modelling the proposed system.
KeywordsEvolutionary Algorithm distributed generator (DG) voltage control distribution network off-voltage tap changing transformer