Volume - 3 | Issue - 4 | december 2021
10 March, 2022
“If the farmer is rich, then so is the nation” – agriculture plays significant part in the advancement of the country. Water is a fundamental factor for the growth of plants in cultivation, irrigation or agriculture. These days, for the irrigation system, various methods were available which were utilized to decrease the dependency of rain and agriculture is one of the significant fields in which new advancements need to be actualized to decrease the burden of farmer. In this paper, different arising strategies were identified related to drip irrigation systems in agriculture. The basic drip irrigation system uses a micro-controller and a variety of sensors like temperature, humidity, moisture of the soil etc., to sense the vital parameters of the soil and gathers information, and produce results. Based on these sensor values land gets water automatically controlled by the switch of motor and these results were showed to the farmers employing the web or on a cellular mobile phone by SMS. Accordingly the farmer precisely determines the farm land requires water or not.
KeywordsAgriculture Drip irrigation system Micro-controllers Arduino Raspberry pi Soil sensors