Volume - 1 | Issue - 1 | june 2019
June, 2019
The wireless sensor network that are randomly distributed with ability to communicate and to be communicated wirelessly appears to be vital part in the Internetwork of things to enable an autonomous communication between the visible commodities available in the tangible world. The process of the connection establishment between the WSNs and IOT for the purpose of information transmission is significant as it has to be reliable overcoming the challenges entitled in the wireless sensor networks. So the paper proposes an efficient clustering of WSN with a hierarchical proactive routing to have a transmission that affords within the limited battery availability and extended life of the network to have an improvised successful transmission rate, and diminished delay. The performance evaluation of the proposed system is conducted and compared with the previous methods to prove the energy efficiency and the QOS enhancements in terms of transmission rate and delay.
KeywordsWireless sensor networks Internet of things Energy efficiency Clustering-hierarchical proactive routing QOS enhancements Transmission rate and delay