Volume - 1 | Issue - 1 | june 2019
June, 2019
The internet of things is a group of connected computing, digital and mechanical machines with the capability of being identified by other devices that are internet enabled. The wireless sensor networks is a gathering of sovereign sensing elements in combination with actuating, computing, communicating and energy storing devices to keep track of the continuous physical world changes. These clique of independent sensors that commune wirelessly incurring advantages such as low cost, limited power consumption, high scalability with adaptableness to hostile and harsh environments afford them to be connected with IOT to become a part of it, to trace the physical changes encountered in the things that are internet enabled. The conventional methods for connection establishment between WSNs with IOT are more energy consuming and prone to failures in terms of network life time, packet delivery ratio and delay. So the proposed methodology that uses the concatenation of clustering with neural and simple fuzzy rule based system supported by the shortest route determination to provide with an energy efficient and enhanced routing capabilities for IOT with WSNs ensures to have a route entrenchment with reduced power consumption and improvised QOS metrics. The performance analysis is done with regard to the packet delivery ratio, energy consumption, sensor network life time and delay to evidence it perfect functioning.
KeywordsIOT-WSN QOS metrics Clustering Fuzzy rule based system Neural networks and Shortest route