Volume - 1 | Issue - 1 | june 2019
June, 2019
The dense deployment of the wireless sensor networks has caused enormous data flow leading to a Big-Data generation. To enable a continuous transmission for the huge volume of data packets, it becomes necessary to readapt the routing protocol to facilitate the routing in handling the Big-data scenario. Since energy is the main constraint in the wireless sensor network, as the sensor are battery powered, and the routing methods consuming enormous of the energy for route discovery thereby reducing the network life time, many conventional methods were developed to address the problem of energy consumption with the, increased network latency, overhead, security issues and delay. So the paper proposes the energy-aware routing protocol that could handle the security issues, arising in the enormous data generation satisfying the QOS requirements. The node with substantial resources are selected to overcome the problems of energy consumption and the network life time handling the security issues , delay, network latency and the overhead problem. Further validation of the proposed method in the Network Simulator-3 is performed to evaluate the network latency, packet delivery ratio, throughput, power consumption, network lifetime and Cost.
KeywordsWireless sensor networks Big-Data Energy efficiency Security Quality of service