An Accurate Bitcoin Price Prediction using logistic regression with LSTM Machine Learning model
Volume-3 | Issue-3

Fuel Sales Forecasting with SARIMA-GARCH and Rolling Window
Volume-5 | Issue-3

Nepali Image Captioning: Generating Coherent Paragraph-Length Descriptions Using Transformer
Volume-6 | Issue-1

Design of Distribution Transformer Health Management System using IoT Sensors
Volume-3 | Issue-3

Energy Management System in the Vehicles using Three Level Neuro Fuzzy Logic
Volume-3 | Issue-3

Cloud Load Estimation with Deep Logarithmic Network for Workload and Time Series Optimization
Volume-3 | Issue-3

A Novel Approach based on PSO and Coloured Petri Net for improving Services in the Emergency Department
Volume-5 | Issue-1

Design of a Food Recommendation System using ADNet algorithm on a Hybrid Data Mining Process
Volume-3 | Issue-4

Review on Data Securing Techniques for Internet of Medical Things
Volume-3 | Issue-3

Automatic Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease using Hybrid Model and CNN
Volume-3 | Issue-4

An Integrated Approach for Crop Production Analysis from Geographic Information System Data using SqueezeNet
Volume-3 | Issue-4

An Accurate Bitcoin Price Prediction using logistic regression with LSTM Machine Learning model
Volume-3 | Issue-3

Design of Distribution Transformer Health Management System using IoT Sensors
Volume-3 | Issue-3

Design of a Food Recommendation System using ADNet algorithm on a Hybrid Data Mining Process
Volume-3 | Issue-4

Automatic Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease using Hybrid Model and CNN
Volume-3 | Issue-4

Effective Prediction of Online Reviews for Improvement of Customer Recommendation Services by Hybrid Classification Approach
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Acoustic Features Based Emotional Speech Signal Categorization by Advanced Linear Discriminator Analysis
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Analysis of Statistical Trends of Future Air Pollutants for Accurate Prediction
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Identification of Electricity Threat and Performance Analysis using LSTM and RUSBoost Methodology
Volume-3 | Issue-4

Review on Data Securing Techniques for Internet of Medical Things
Volume-3 | Issue-3

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