Volume - 2 | Issue - 4 | december 2020
12 January, 2021
A typical Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) comprises of multiple nodes that are used to control as well as monitor the environment and perform pre-described actions. Based on the network, the sensor nodes are distributed and their energy consumption proves to be challenging. When the nodes are located near the sink, they serve as the interface for data transfer between the sink and the node. Because of this, there is a decrease in the networks lifetime and further the energy consumption of the nodes increases significantly. Denial-of-sleep attack is a threat that sensor nodes face in WSNs. DoSA is the condition when there is much loss of energy at the nodes by preventing them from entering into sleep mode and power save mode. We propose a hybrid methodology of Hopfield neural network and firefly algorithm using leach to tackle this issue such that there is a significant increase in network lifetime and energy consumption patterns.
KeywordsWireless Sensor networks Hopfield neural network Firefly algorithm denial-of-sleep attack Hybrid algorithm