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Volume - 2 | Issue - 3 | september 2020

Iris Image Segmentation and Localization using Dynamic Reconfigurable Processor
Pages: 147-155
13 July, 2020

Recognition of the Iris is among the finest techniques in the field of bio-metrics identification, because the iris has characteristics that are unique and stay the same all through the individual's life. Iris recognition phases are namely image acquisition, segmentation of iris, localization of iris, feature extraction of iris and matching. This paper, which is an extension of the survey paper Smaran[1], concentrates purely on the procedures of image capture, segmentation as well as localization of the iris. The aim of the paper is to optimize the above mentioned processes in terms of distance of capturing the image, time taken for memory and computation requirements, using the DRP (Dynamic Re-Configurable Processor) technology, uniquely developed by Renesas Electronics (


Bio-metric Iris Image Segmentation Localization Optimization

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