Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Using Machine Learning
Volume-4 | Issue-1

Monocular Depth Estimation using a Multi-grid Attention-based Model
Volume-4 | Issue-3

Speedy Image Crowd Counting by Light Weight Convolutional Neural Network
Volume-3 | Issue-3

Construction of Efficient Smart Voting Machine with Liveness Detection Module
Volume-3 | Issue-3

An Economical Robotic Arm for Playing Chess Using Visual Servoing
Volume-2 | Issue-3

Triplet loss for Chromosome Classification
Volume-4 | Issue-1

Unstructured Noise Removal for Industrial Sensor Imaging Unit by Hybrid Adaptive Median Algorithm
Volume-3 | Issue-4

Real Time Sign Language Recognition and Speech Generation
Volume-2 | Issue-2

Analysis of Artificial Intelligence based Image Classification Techniques
Volume-2 | Issue-1

Design of ANN Based Machine Learning Method for Crop Prediction
Volume-3 | Issue-3

Volume-1 | Issue-1

Volume-1 | Issue-1

Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Using Machine Learning
Volume-4 | Issue-1

Accurate Segmentation for Low Resolution Satellite images by Discriminative Generative Adversarial Network for Identifying Agriculture Fields
Volume-3 | Issue-4

Deep Learning based Handwriting Recognition with Adversarial Feature Deformation and Regularization
Volume-3 | Issue-4

State of Art Survey on Plant Leaf Disease Detection
Volume-4 | Issue-2

Optimal Compression of Remote Sensing Images Using Deep Learning during Transmission of Data
Volume-3 | Issue-4

OverFeat Network Algorithm for Fabric Defect Detection in Textile Industry
Volume-3 | Issue-4

Volume-1 | Issue-2

Two-Stage Frame Extraction in Video Analysis for Accurate Prediction of Object Tracking by Improved Deep Learning
Volume-3 | Issue-4


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