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Volume - 4 | Issue - 3 | september 2022

Water Quality Prediction and Classification based on Linear Discriminant Analysis and Light Gradient Boosting Machine Classifier Approach Open Access
D. Sasikala  , K. Venkatesh Sharma  163
Pages: 147-156
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Sasikala, D., and K. Venkatesh Sharma. "Water Quality Prediction and Classification based on Linear Discriminant Analysis and Light Gradient Boosting Machine Classifier Approach." Journal of Innovative Image Processing 4, no. 3 (2022): 147-156
01 September, 2022

Estimating water quality has existed as one of the vital factors embarked on the planet in the present eons. This paper illustrates a water quality estimate based on the Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) technique. Weighted arithmetic index technique is used in the computation of the Water Quality Index (WQI). At that moment, the LDA is linked to the dataset, and the ultimate principal WQI dynamics have been determined. Subsequently after predicting the WQI, Light Gradient Boosted Machine (LGBM) classification is performed in the LDA. Lastly, the LGBM classifier is activated to label the water quality. This proposed LGBM with LDA technique is demonstrated and evaluated on a Gulshan Lake-related dataset. The results show 96% forecast accuracy for the LDA and 100% categorization accuracy for the Light Gradient Boosted Machine classifier system that indicate consistent interpretation linked over the futuristic prototypes. This innovative model LDA-LGBM is aimed at enhancing the prediction of water quality and its classification through AI - ML approach.


Water quality prediction linear discriminant analysis weighted arithmetic index water quality index light gradient boosted machine classifier Gulshan Lake-related dataset

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