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Volume - 4 | Issue - 3 | september 2022

Textile Fabric Defect Detection Open Access
K. Rahimunnisa   197
Pages: 165-172
Cite this article
Rahimunnisa, K.. "Textile Fabric Defect Detection." Journal of Innovative Image Processing 4, no. 3 (2022): 165-172
15 September, 2022

Technology and digital imaging have a variety of uses in automated production processes and other applicable disciplines. A novel subject of inquiry in the present era is the detection of flaws in the textile industry utilizing digital image processing methods and other learning methods. The identification of flaws in the fabric must be ensured through a quality control method. The product quality is enhanced via a mechanism for detecting fabric defects. Detection of fabric flaw becoming more and more popular in the production of high-quality textile products. This system works by using image processing, video processing and classic learning methods to recognize defects in the fabric surface.


Fabric defects automated production digital image processing learning based

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