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Volume - 4 | Issue - 3 | september 2022

A Survey on Medical Imaging Techniques and Applications Open Access
K. Santhi   178
Pages: 173-182
Cite this article
Santhi, K.. "A Survey on Medical Imaging Techniques and Applications." Journal of Innovative Image Processing 4, no. 3 (2022): 173-182
16 September, 2022

Medical imaging is a technique that is utilized for medical purposes, to visualize the internal organs covered by the skin and bones, in order to diagnose and cure disorders. It is a branch of biological imaging that includes radiology, which employs imaging technologies such as X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, PET scans, ultrasound, and many others. It also creates a database of normal physiology and anatomy to aid in the identification of anomalies. This research study examines several medical imaging technologies and their applications. A discussion about the evolution and potential advancements of medical imaging has also been presented.


Medical images image processing pattern recognition segmentation classification

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