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Volume - 5 | Issue - 2 | june 2023

Deep Learning based Breast Cancer Diagnostic System using Medical Images Open Access
Dr. Rajkumar S.  , Sairam V. A., Samyuktha Kapoor, Nithila. J  61
Pages: 102-114
Cite this article
S., Dr. Rajkumar, Sairam V. A., Samyuktha Kapoor, and Nithila. J. "Deep Learning based Breast Cancer Diagnostic System using Medical Images." Journal of Innovative Image Processing 5, no. 2 (2023): 102-114
29 May, 2023

A common and lethal kind of cancer, breast cancer, affects women worldwide. In the year 2020, around 2.26 million breast cancer cases were reported worldwide. In 2020, breast cancer will become the most common cancer globally with a projected 11.7% of all cancer cases or 2.3 million new cases. It is ranked as 7th cancer cause globally with 685,000 deaths. Diagnosis plays an essential role in cancer, since early diagnosis of the condition can help in better planning for treatment and prevent further complications. This research develops an integrated system to aid oncologists and clinicians in the diagnosis, confirmation and follow-up analysis for breast cancer using principles of artificial intelligence and medical imaging modalities. The decision making is made by deep learning models trained on thousands of images of several medical imaging modalities. On the whole, the proposed system can help the clinicians in their medical decisions and provide better service for patients with breast cancer.


breast cancer diagnosis deep learning radiology image processing medical imaging

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