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Volume - 5 | Issue - 2 | june 2023

An Evaluation-based Analysis of Video Summarising Methods for Diverse Domains Open Access
Bijal U. Gadhia  , Dr. Shahid S. Modasiya  46
Pages: 127-139
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Gadhia, Bijal U., and Dr. Shahid S. Modasiya. "An Evaluation-based Analysis of Video Summarising Methods for Diverse Domains." Journal of Innovative Image Processing 5, no. 2 (2023): 127-139
12 June, 2023

As technology progresses, a gigantic amount of video data is generated day-by-day. Processing of such a huge video requires time, increased storage, and a computational power. Sometimes it is convenient for the user to watch a summary or highlight rather than watching a complete video, which is a time-consuming task. So, a fully automated solution is required to extract important segments from video. Researchers have proposed multiple approaches / techniques for summarizing the videos which resolve the problem of long videos and summarize them according to the video type. This survey and comparative evaluation of video summarizing techniques based on several domains are presented in this study. Primarily, these methods are classified into different categories based on their methods or techniques used. Furthermore, an overview of some of the latest literature is presented with the dataset and the evaluation approaches used. The review is also made related to the domain direction, and is concluded by presenting the benefits and difficulties associated with the current video summarization techniques.


Video summarization video skimming static summarization key frame Summary sequence

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