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Volume - 5 | Issue - 2 | june 2023

Multi-Level Authentication: Combining Face, Palm, and Liveness Detection for Improved Security Open Access
Raja Suganya PV  , Sam Joshua S, Vigneshwar B, Jai Kishan M  44
Pages: 181-191
Cite this article
PV, Raja Suganya, Sam Joshua S, Vigneshwar B, and Jai Kishan M. "Multi-Level Authentication: Combining Face, Palm, and Liveness Detection for Improved Security." Journal of Innovative Image Processing 5, no. 2 (2023): 181-191
22 June, 2023

Face and palm recognition technologies have emerged as powerful tools for authentication, but they can still be vulnerable to fraud and impersonation. Liveness detection is a technique that can detect and prevent fraudulent attempts to bypass authentication by verifying the presence of a live human being during the authentication process. Combining face and palm recognition with liveness detection provides a highly effective and secure approach to authentication, which can prevent fraud and unauthorised access while providing a seamless and user-friendly experience.


Face and palm recognition technologies Liveness detection

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