Archives / Volume-2 / Issue-1 / Article-9

Volume - 2 | Issue - 1 | june 2023

Applications and Challenges of Quantum Image Processing – A Comprehensive Review
Dr. Akey Sungheetha   256  338
Pages: 112-121
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Sungheetha, Dr. Akey. "Applications and Challenges of Quantum Image Processing – A Comprehensive Review." Recent Research Reviews Journal 2, no. 1 (2023): 112-121
28 June, 2023

The tremendous parallel processing capability of quantum computers allow quantum image processing, a multidisciplinary field combining image processing and quantum computing, to expand the potential outcomes for image processing. The problem of quantum computation is to create effective quantum algorithms since quantum computers need extremely effective algorithms than classical algorithm. Additionally, information storage, communication, and computing power are increasing in relevance with the number and importance of processing digital images. Some of these issues might be resolved by encoding the visual data in quantum-mechanical systems as opposed to classical methods and by switching from classical to quantum information processing. Moreover, the quantum image processing is analysed based on the recent research works and is summarized. This study projects the application of quantum image processing and challenges.


Quantum Image Processing (QuIP) Image Processing Quantum Computing

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