Archives / Volume-3 / Issue-1 / Article-11

Volume - 3 | Issue - 1 | june 2024

Exploring the Influence of Cloud Computing on Workflow Efficiency in Public Administration
Mona Jha  , Rahul Kumar Jha  62  40
Pages: 148-168
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Jha, Mona, and Rahul Kumar Jha. "Exploring the Influence of Cloud Computing on Workflow Efficiency in Public Administration." Recent Research Reviews Journal 3, no. 1 (2024): 148-168
19 June, 2024

This review examines the impact of cloud computing on public administration workflow efficiency, highlighting its potential to improve service delivery, optimize costs, and promote innovation. It provides a comprehensive evaluation framework for assessing efficiency, highlighting case studies of the UK Government Digital Service and Estonia's e-government initiatives. Despite challenges like security and data privacy, the study suggests promising future prospects, including hybrid cloud solutions and AI integration.


Cloud Computing Public Administration Workflow Efficiency Service Delivery Data Management E-Government

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