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Volume - 3 | Issue - 1 | june 2024

Driving Organizational Effectiveness: Implementing Safe Agile Framework for Team Alignment in Large Organisations
Oke Oviemuno Anthony  , Olayemi Michael Awoeyo, Adebisi Sunday Alamu  82  47
Pages: 16-33
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Anthony, Oke Oviemuno, Olayemi Michael Awoeyo, and Adebisi Sunday Alamu. "Driving Organizational Effectiveness: Implementing Safe Agile Framework for Team Alignment in Large Organisations." Recent Research Reviews Journal 3, no. 1 (2024): 16-33
19 March, 2024

Implementing the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) in large organizations is crucial for achieving organizational effectiveness, especially as they expand globally. The SAFe framework, initially designed for software development, has evolved to cater to diverse industries like health, manufacturing, engineering, and financial services. The study elaborates the significance of implementing SAFe agile framework for team alignment in large organisations. SAFe operates at four levels: Team, Program, Large Solution, and Portfolio. Efficient collaboration, communication, and coordination, the three Cs of SAFe Agile, are essential for synergy across these levels. To practically implement SAFe and achieve team alignment, organizations should follow ten SAFe principles. These principles include taking an economic view, applying systems thinking, assuming variability, building incrementally with fast learning cycles, basing milestones on objective evaluation, ensuring uninterrupted value flow, applying cadence, unlocking intrinsic motivation, embracing decentralized decision-making, and organizing around value. Balancing bottom-up and top-down approaches through a middle-out method ensures effective SAFe implementation. This approach combines the strengths of methods, fostering cross-functional collaboration and effective communication channels from teams to the portfolio level. In conclusion, large-scale businesses may enhance organizational success through the transformational process of applying the SAFe framework for team alignment, which improves alignment, cooperation, efficiency, flexibility, and continuous improvement.


SAFe Team Alignment Agile Implementation Agile Principle Large Organisation

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