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Volume - 2 | Issue - 1 | june 2023

A Comparative Study of Various Versions of YOLO Algorithm to Detect Drones
Gayathridevi K  , Dr. S. Kanmani  227  205
Pages: 54-61
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K, Gayathridevi, and Dr. S. Kanmani. "A Comparative Study of Various Versions of YOLO Algorithm to Detect Drones." Recent Research Reviews Journal 2, no. 1 (2023): 54-61
31 May, 2023

Object detection algorithms with various versions of YOLO are compared with parameters like methodology, dataset used, image size, precision, recall, technology used etc. to get a conclusion as which algorithm would be the best and effective for the detection of objects. Nowadays, due to the low price and ease of use, drones can pose a malicious threat. In the field of public security and personal privacy, it is important to deploy drone detection system in restricted areas. This comparative analysis model gives a wide picture of how various object detection algorithms work, and helps in understanding the best algorithm to be used for the detection of drones with highest accuracy and precision.


YOLO object detection drone detection precision recall

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