Archives / Volume-3 / Issue-1 / Article-7

Volume - 3 | Issue - 1 | june 2024

Autotuning with High-Performance Computing in Real Time Applications
Sathesh A   50  23
Pages: 104-112
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A, Sathesh. "Autotuning with High-Performance Computing in Real Time Applications." Recent Research Reviews Journal 3, no. 1 (2024): 104-112
15 June, 2024

This study explores the use of high-performance computing (HPC) to address the demanding requirements of real-time applications. Real-time systems, characterized by stringent timing constraints and variable workloads, require computing solutions capable of delivering excellent performance. The study examines the challenges associated with achieving real-time responsiveness and the opportunities presented by leveraging the computational power of HPC architectures. The study provides an overview of the key characteristics of real-time applications and their various computational needs. It then investigates into the architectural considerations and parallel processing capabilities of HPC systems, highlighting their potential to meet the performance demands of real-time scenarios. Various programming models and optimization techniques tailored for HPC and future applications are discussed.


High Performance Computing Real-Time System Data Processing Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning

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