Archives / Volume-3 / Issue-1 / Article-16

Volume - 3 | Issue - 1 | june 2024

Influence of Internet and its Connectivity in Workplace - A Comprehensive Analysis
Abudhahir Buhari  , Antony Athithan A.  11  17
Pages: 244-257
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Buhari, Abudhahir, and Antony Athithan A.. "Influence of Internet and its Connectivity in Workplace - A Comprehensive Analysis." Recent Research Reviews Journal 3, no. 1 (2024): 244-257
16 July, 2024

This study examines the impact of internet connectivity on workplace productivity, using a sample of 500 employees from different industries. By integrating quantitative and qualitative research methods, the study evaluates how internet speed and consistency affect task completion rates, project turnaround times, and overall employee output. Findings expose a significant positive connection between high-quality internet connectivity and increased productivity, with notable industry-specific variations. Employees with robust internet access report improved efficiency, reduced frustration, and improved collaboration. Qualitative insights from interviews underscore the importance of stable internet for maintaining workflow continuity and job satisfaction. These results highlight the critical role of internet connectivity in optimizing organizational performance and recommend tactical investments in digital infrastructure to strengthen productivity.


Internet Connectivity Workplace Productivity Employee Output Internet Speed Task Completion Rates Digital Infrastructure

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