A Review on Microstrip Patch Antenna Performance Improvement Techniques on Various Applications
Volume-3 | Issue-3
A Review on Finding Efficient Approach to Detect Customer Emotion Analysis using Deep Learning Analysis
Volume-3 | Issue-2
A Comparative Analysis of Prediction of Student Results Using Decision Trees and Random Forest
Volume-4 | Issue-3
A Literature Review on Augmented Analytics and Natural Language Generation: A Review of State of Art Techniques, Opportunities and Challenges
Volume-5 | Issue-3
Study of Security Mechanisms to Create a Secure Cloud in a Virtual Environment with the Support of Cloud Service Providers
Volume-2 | Issue-3
Construction of Black Box to Detect the Location of Road Mishap in Remote Area in the IoT Domain
Volume-3 | Issue-2
Fault Diagnosis in Hybrid Renewable Energy Sources with Machine Learning Approach
Volume-3 | Issue-3
Secure and Optimized Cloud-Based Cyber-Physical Systems with Memory-Aware Scheduling Scheme
Volume-2 | Issue-3
Stochastic Geometry and Performance Analysis of Large Scale Wireless Networks
Volume-3 | Issue-3
Computer Vision on IOT Based Patient Preference Management System
Volume-2 | Issue-2
A Review on Microstrip Patch Antenna Performance Improvement Techniques on Various Applications
Volume-3 | Issue-3
Fake News Detection using Data Mining Techniques
Volume-3 | Issue-4
A Comparative Analysis of Prediction of Student Results Using Decision Trees and Random Forest
Volume-4 | Issue-3
Speedy Detection Module for Abandoned Belongings in Airport Using Improved Image Processing Technique
Volume-3 | Issue-4
Deployment of Artificial Intelligence with Bootstrapped Meta-Learning in Cyber Security
Volume-4 | Issue-3
Design an Early Detection and Classification for Diabetic Retinopathy by Deep Feature Extraction based Convolution Neural Network
Volume-3 | Issue-2
Design of an Intelligent Approach on Capsule Networks to Detect Forged Images
Volume-3 | Issue-3
Future Challenges of the Internet of Things in the Health Care Domain - An Overview
Volume-3 | Issue-4
Construction of Black Box to Detect the Location of Road Mishap in Remote Area in the IoT Domain
Volume-3 | Issue-2
A Review on Finding Efficient Approach to Detect Customer Emotion Analysis using Deep Learning Analysis
Volume-3 | Issue-2